1. Liability Waiver
I release and hold CODI harmless from any claim or liability that I may have against CODI for any bodily injury, personal injury, illness, death, or property damage that may result from my participation in volunteer activities. I also understand that CODI does not assume any responsibility or obligation to provide financial or other assistance, including but not limited to medical, health, or disability insurance, in the event of injury, illness, death, or property damage.
2. Insurance
CODI does not carry health, medical, or disability insurance coverage for interns. Interns are encouraged to have personal liability or health insurance before registering as a CODI intern.
3. Medical Treatment
I release CODI from any claim that arises due to any first-aid treatment or other medical services rendered in connection with an emergency during my time with CODI.
4. Assumption of Risk
I understand that my time with CODI may include activities that may be hazardous to me, including, but not limited to, working with office machines, preparing, cooking, and serving food, handyman-type construction activities, pushing, lifting, loading, and unloading of heavy equipment and materials, and transportation to and from a worksite. I assume the risk of injury or harm in these activities and release CODI from all liability for injury, illness, death, or property damage resulting from the actions of my time with CODI.
5. Internship Photographic Release
I authorize CODI to photograph and identify me for publicity for CODI-related activities.
Unless otherwise revoked by me, this authorization is considered valid for one year from the date below. I understand that I cannot withdraw any previously released photos.
6. Compensation
I agree to serve as a volunteer. As a volunteer, I understand I will receive no conversation.
Central Registry
Background check conducted by College or University