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Volunteer Experience - Heldreth Yu
Why We Volunteer
There is a personal tie - A particular cause may call us or someone close to us to give back and make a difference.
Volunteering sets a good example for others - Lots of folks “talk the talk,” but few take the time and effort to “walk the walk.” By volunteering, we inspire our friends, families, coworkers, and neighbors to volunteer and make a positive change.
Meeting like-minded, motivated, positive people - The way we spend our spare time is a true reflection of our values and priorities. Connecting over shared passions for a cause while helping others is a great way to meet new friends. By volunteering, our “circle of friends” can get a whole lot bigger in just a short amount of time.
Giving back is important – We are bombarded with heartbreaking news stories daily. Volunteering presents a proactive way of making the world a better place. Even the smallest gestures make a difference. And if we all band together, those small gestures can add up to a big change!
Volunteering creates empowerment - Maybe someone offered you a helping hand when you were down and out. Volunteering allows us to pay it forward. Often a word of encouragement and a little assistance can significantly impact someone’s life.
Volunteering gives greater perspective and self-awareness - Volunteers may come face to face with some pretty heart-wrenching situations. Though this can be a bit overwhelming, developing a keener sense of self-awareness and gratitude is an amazing transformation many volunteers experience.
Volunteering is good for us - Studies show that volunteering releases tension. Helping others in need, takes the focus off of our problems, putting into perspective how precious having a healthy, fulfilled life is. Many volunteers realize that, while not perfect, their life is a blessing to be celebrated every day.
Volunteering has never been easier – CODI recognizes that volunteers have varied skills and talents. We have a genuine interest in using volunteer talents and experience to produce the greatest good for those we serve. If you or someone you know is interested in volunteering or would like more information on volunteering, please contact Jennifer Yun at 609 965 6871 or
Freiwillige beeinflussen das Leben derer, denen wir dienen.
Auch Sie und Ihre Organisation können sich ehrenamtlich engagieren!
CODI heißt Freiwillige willkommen, die ihre Zeit, Fähigkeiten und Ressourcen einsetzen, um auf verschiedene Weise zu helfen.
Um mehr über das Ehrenamt zu erfahren,
Bitte wenden Sie sich an Jennifer Yun, Direktorin für Community Outreach,
bei 609-965-6871, oder per E-Mail an
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